村上隆 ピエロ 版画 108フラワーズ 完売品箱は開けずにそのままの状態です、個人情報を切り抜いた納品書もつけます。Image size: 400 × 400sheet size: 500 × 500Archival Pigment Print + Silkscreen108 Flowers Sold out itemThe box is still in its original condition without being opened, and a delivery note with personal information cut out is included.You can purchase immediately. Please rest assured that we purchase from the official manufacturer.#村上隆#木魂くん#朝ぼらけちゃん#Zingaro#108フラワーズ#Murakami#Flowers#版画#もののけ京都#シルクスクリーン