種類···エンデューロバイクタイヤサイズ···27インチ2019 Factory Series 36 FLOAT 27.5 170 GRIP2Description: 2019, 36, K, FLOAT, 27.5in, F-S, 170, Grip 2, HSC, LSC, HSR, LSR, Matte Blk, Neutral Logo, 15QRx110, 1.5 T, 37mm Rake, OEThis fork was used only on city rides. It was on a hardtail before. No decals. Good condition. Used few times. No scratches on the stanchion. Kashima coating. 27.5. Please see the description and the pictures. You can write on the comment box if you have any questions. Thank you.#foxracing#fox36#mtb#gtmtb#specialized#santacruz#mountainbikes#foxkashimacoating#commencal#scottgenius#foxsuspension