大幅値下げ 265000→240000新品 未使用 開成学園 開成 中学 高校 上下 学生服 学ラン 170A W70 Uniformes of prestigious Japanese high school /Kaisei画像に写っているものが全てです、発送はもう少し小さなサイズの箱でお送りします。一般的な学生服と異なる少し低い襟高、正面の掛け合わせに沿ったステッチは本物の開成学園学生服の証です。上着表記サイズ170A / ウエスト表記70虫食いは見当たりませんが購入から暫く経っております、多少の経年変化はあるかも知れませんことをご理解ください。保管状態:禁煙、ペット無、防虫剤、箱入り付属品:なしThe slightly lower collar height, which differs from ordinary school uniforms, and the stitching along the front crossings are proof of the genuine Kaisei Gakuen school uniform, unchanged since the Taisho era.The school has been ranked number one for 42 consecutive years for those who have been accepted to Tokyo University, and is probably one of the big three most prestigious schools in Japan.Jacket size 170A / Waist 70There are no insect bites, etc., but it has been a while since purchase, and there may be minor age-related changes.Storage conditions: no smoking, no pets, mothproof, boxedAccessories: none.